Saturday, May 5, 2012

Package vs. Product

We're all too familiar with the way it works. The picture on the box looks amazing, fresh, and delicious - irresistible.  But after you buy it, reality hits.

This is repeated in many areas of life.  A politician may talk persuasively, but then the record demonstrates that the words were no more than words.   An individual that is held up as a role model is caught in a severe moral failure. Yes, the problem of inconsistency can bee seen in products, politicians, preachers, and far beyond.

Years ago I heard a proposed etymology of the word, sincere. The meaning, according to this folk etymology, was "without wax". The idea was that flawed marble might have wax rubbed into the cracks to disguise the poor quality. But the flaws would become apparent in the warm sun when the wax would soften and melt, exposing the true character of the marble.  This may not have actually been the origin of the word, but it vividly illustrates the meaning of sincerity of character. 

Why is consistency and sincerity so rare? I believe it is because of standing on a faulty foundation. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus spoke of the house built on a rock and the one built on sand.  Both structures looked sound.  But the one lacked a foundation to hold up the good intentions. Good intentions will fail. What is needed is not turning over a new leaf, but rather a new creation, a new birth. There are multiple images presented to us to portray this.
  • the firm foundation
  • the new creation
  • the branch firmly grafted into the vine
  • the love, respect, and inseperable commitment of marriage
Single minded, whole hearted, sincere, radically committed...they find their power in the Father's love, lavishly poured out in Jesus. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.  Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new.