Friday, December 29, 2006

Why "Willing Captive"?

Willing Captive is a reference to Exodus 21.

Ex 21:5 "But if the servant declares, `I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,' 6 then his master must take him before the judges. He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life."
It is our desire that our worship of God be expressive of a bondservant relationship with Jesus. Our worship seeks to be a pouring out of love to our God with an un-divided heart. In worship, we are living out what it means to belong to God. Using the scriptural picture of the bondservant, we have come to the doorpost and laid down our rights in unconditional surrender. We are unrestrained in our love for God. We have come to the place of abandonment and commitment to Him. The “doorpost” is a place marked by blood. The blood of being “earmarked” as a bondservant mirrors the other blood that marks the doorpost – the blood of the Lamb that was sacrificed and whose blood purchased us from slavery and has set us on this journey. We follow now, looking to God’s presence like Israel followed the pillar of cloud and fire.


Unknown said...

Second try...

Mark, you are a blessing to our King!

Your talents, abilities and, especially you service to the Bigger Picture, is amazing!

We hold you daily in our prayers!

chris irelan

Mark Stenson said...

Thanks, Chris. The prayers are greatly appreciated. God is faithful!