Friday, January 27, 2012

A living relationship

I have been blogging mostly about John 15 during the month of January.  I came again to the text this evening, knowing that God Spirit would have something fresh again.  And he did.

As I was reading about the vine and the branches, about bearing fruit, about abiding, again I saw the living relationship. God brings life. He is life.

This past summer my grandchildren had a great time in our raspberry patch.  The raspberry crop was abundant...and tasty!  They would push through the bushes, exploring under the leaves, finding more and more fresh berries.  And no matter how many they ate, there were always more to follow.

What a picture of God's garden he has prepared for our lives.  His fruit is abundant.  There is no danger of exhausting the supply of love, joy, peace, patience and the rest of the fruit of the Spirit. No matter how much we partake, there is always more.  In fact, the more we partake and enjoy his fruit in our lives, the more we will find under the next leaf, behind that next branch.

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